Starting School

This is a very exciting time for most children, however, we do understand that it can be a little daunting for others. Here at Pontesbury CE Primary School we work very hard to ensure the transition to primary education is a positive experience for all – this includes the parents/carers as well the children.
As we welcome the whole family at school, we do ask that you support the school particularly in our aim to promote independence. One of the best ways to prepare your child for school, is to get them used to dressing and undressing themselves, teach them to tie their shoe laces, let them pack their own bag (under your watchful eye), and hang up their own coat.

Taster Days

Before commencing school on a full time basis, each child will be invited to spend time in their new class and meet their new teacher. This is usually four sessions, two will include lunch time so they can try a school dinner and experience the lunch time routine. You will be informed in writing when these dates are.
There will also be opportunities for the children to come to assembly and story times. These are usually arranged through the local pre-schools.


New Entrants September 2024